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Cautions for bearings in the process of disassembly

It is necessary to disassemble and replace the bearings after they are used for a certain period of time due to the long-term friction between the bearings which will cause the bearings thin and not be used. What preparations need to be made for the disassembly of the bearings?

    1. Cool the device

    Before the removal of the bearings, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the equipment and take protection because the temperatures of the bearings are different in different use positions.The bearings burnt-out need more protection from high heat burns during disassembly.

    2. Clean the device

    Generally when bearings can not be used, there's a distinct possibility with dust and oil contamination inside. In the process of disassembly, in order to reduce the wear of the bearings, it is necessary to pay attention to the cleaning of the equipment and the discharge of lubricating oil to ensure the safety and stability of the bearings.

    3. Remover

    There are certain differences in the installation method for bearings in different installation positions. Before installation, it is necessary to prepare the disassembly tool to ensure that the bearings are correctly disassembled which can avoid damage to the bearings although the bearings are often unable to be used at this time.

    It is necessary for the smooth and stability of the bearings to prepare above all of these in the process of disassembly.